The right video wall can enhance your business, brand performance or retail environment. Here are some tools provided by LG to ensure that you get the benefits you want from your video wall.
Things to consider when designing and placing a video wall.
Size is everything – except when it isn’t.
As we all know bigger is always better, and for the most part, this is true. But as anyone who has tried fitting something very big into something very small, size comes with its own problems. Thankfully there are ways to accomplish these fun tasks with the help of those that went before us. LG provides a great little app that uses augmented reality to place screens and video walls into spaces that can really use them, in a beautifully visual way that enables you to try different designs, shapes and yes, sizes to maximise the effect of your digital signage project.
It also saves you standing in front of a customer waving your arms in the air and hoping he has the same kind of imagination that you have. The LG Video Wall Configurator is a great tool, it is free, and it is available on the google play store. Sadly there is no iOS version so instead of using a real phone you have to use your toy Android phone.
The Geometry factor
LG video walls have a lot going for them, they are bright, have very evenly matched colour and lovely thin bezels. They also come in different sizes “he said, stating the obvious”, what is important when planning your video wall is to get all of these variables right. There is nothing worse than finding out your video wall fits together like a puzzle with a corner piece missing when you are standing two stories up on scaffolding.
Once again LG has you covered, they have a simple yet effective tool that allows you to check product SKU specific measurements for the various video wall screens they offer. These include weight and depth. The tool asks you to select the orientation, number of rows and number of columns, it then gives you accurate information that saves a lot of time when planning the installation. You can find the Video Wall Configurator here. Tell them I sent you.
In conclusion, video walls can be tricky, get them right and they are visually stunning, but if get them wrong they are huge visible mistakes. Give these tools from LG a try, if anything they could save you some time.
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